Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2 Months

Bristan has met so many new people in the past month! We have really enjoyed visiting with our family and friends. Bristan is such a good baby!! He is a happy, laid back little man. He is pretty much sleeping through the night (yippee!!!!). People were asking if he even cries when we were visiting Gainesville. Speaking of Gainesville...what a great time we had! Bristan met all of our best buds, went to dinners/lunches, attended a big party, and visited mine and Joe's old jobs. He was quite the social butterfly. When we got back from Gaineville we spent the weekend with my family in middle Georgia. Then, Cindy (Nana) came from California to Atlanta to spend a week with us. We had so much fun!! We went to Stone Mountain, the Coca Cola museum, a Sushi dinner, antique/consignment shops, and Joe and I got to go out on a date (thanks again Cindy!).

Now we are getting ready for our trip out to Nevada to visit with Art and Barb (Joe's grandparents). Lots of our family from southern California are going to come up to stay at Art and Barbs so it is going to be a full house!! We are incredibly excited for our west coast family to meet Bristan!

Unfortunately, Bristan and Joe have a cold right now :( I had it earlier in the week (feeling better now) and Cindy potentially even caught it from us. I guess we all picked up the virus while we were out of town. We are praying that both Bristan and Joe are better before we fly on Thursday. They are feeling a bit better each day so that is good.

It is so crazy that it has already been two months since I gave birth to our handsome little man....it has flown by!!! And he does something new each day. Just as I said about pregnancy, us humans are pretty amazing. The development from being in the womb to age one is incredible! Bristan's most recent accomplishment is smiling with his eyes open and cooing. Joe and I are loving every minute of this journey and are looking forward to all of the other mile stones in Bristan's life!

We went to Bristan's two month appointment with the pediatrician last Friday. He is now 14 pounds and 24 inches long. He is in the 90th percentile on overall size....big boy!!!!

More first look photos

Bombo time!
Nap time with daddy
Oh May....we still love you :)

Hanging out at our family reunion
He loves his Grandma B
He already hates doing laundry...great!

Visiting with Aunt Barbara and Uncle Roger
Auntie Autumn
Ready to take a road trip down to Gainesville..fat kid!
Stopped to see Poppy on our way down
Hanging with Auntie Jess
Auntie Kim, Danny and a sleepy baby boy
 Going on a walk. That hat will fit him eventually haha!
 Bath time
He loves his Auntie Kelly....we miss Auntie Kelly :(
 We met up with Osorios in Orlando. Bristan got to meet Uncle Jake, Auntie Maracar, cousin Maddix and cousin CJ
Chillin by the pool
 Family photo by the pool
 Nana and Grandma B
 Cousin time! Mary Michael and Bristan. He is already bigger than her an she is a month older!
 Cousin Drayton (he is Mary Michael's older brother)
 Grandma B and Aunt Sandy
Happy boy!
 Fatso! hahahaha!
 Poop face hehe!
 Coca Cola Museum


3 vaccines at the pediatrician :(

 Helping with the dishes
 Helping clean the back patio
Handsome little man
The picture on the right is the day he came home....on the left, two months later
Muscle man
Cuddle time with mommy


  1. It's amazing how much he has grown in two months!! He is so handsome and I can't wait to meet him!!

  2. Love all the pictures, Nic. It was so good to see you in Gville, have a fun and safe trip out west! xoxo
