B is 9 months old! and he is busy, busy. This past month we haven't traveled much. It has been pretty nice to just hang out around Atlanta. We did travel down to Perry, Ga for Easter weekend and then my mom and little sister came to stay with us for a few days. We had a great time visiting with our family and friends. At B's 9 month appointment we found out he is 28 inches long and 22 pounds. Big boy! He is close to walking and super fast when crawling. We think B has another tooth coming in. He has 5 now, so he is eating everything! We do not even have to puree food for him anymore. We just make him a version of what we eat. B has figured out how to open cabinets (fun!) and he is definitely learning what "no" means. He says: "hey", "May May", "Mama", "blah", "ba", and "na na". He can do a high five, kind of clap his hands, and do the sign for "more". Our baby boy is growing up so fast!! He needs me less and less every day :( Can we pause time please???
No news on our house yet, but we are confident that on the next blog we will have goods news and maybe some pictures to show. Our lease is up on May 12th so no matter what, we are moving out of our apartment. Hopefully we will be moving into a house! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers guys.
We are looking forward to some nice weather in April. Which means, more outdoors activities! Camping, hiking, fishing, running, picnics, parks, and much more! I love the spring!
Nice pants
Chunky baby. He loves his thumb and elephant blanky.
Hike up Stone Mountain with friends
Safety first
B fell and hit his face on the tile floor in our bathroom. He had his first bruise :(
Playing at the park
Silly boy!
B NEVER does this anymore. That's why I had to take a picture. He does not like to be rocked anymore. As soon as I am done feeding him in the evenings he wants me to put him in his crib. He was so sleepy this day!
At the gym with mommy
Found some old pictures. Young me. Graduation day from pre-school
Look at muscle man Joe
May loves B now days. I think mostly because he gives her so much food from his high chair.
Fat kid
Almost walking!
We love to find wet cement
All I want is privacy sometimes in the bathroom and this is what happens while he is in the room with Joe.
A friend sent me this and I thought it was funny.
B can be a bully sometimes
Hanging with his friends, Xavier, Aubry and Key Key
Daddy snuggles
Easter celebration with my play group
Posing for a picture
He squeezed the egg and it flew out of his mouth. That's why it looks like the egg is floating in front of his mouth in this picture. haha
B kept stretching out this slinky and letting go of it. A couple of times it would smack the kids around him. He thought it was funny. Bully!
First four wheeler ride with Poppy
Ride in Poppy's convertible
Snuggling with mommy and daddy
Easter egg hunt at Grandmas
B and Mary Michael
It kind of looks like Mary Michael is about to start break dancing or something in this picture-haha!
B and Maddox
We visited Great Grandpa Bill in Chattanooga, TN on Monday
These pictures are taken at the military cemetery in Chattanooga. There are graves that date back to the civil war. Neat place. My Grandma Mary Ann is buried here.
He loves his thumb!
At the creek by Grandpa Bills
This is what happens when we give B a sip of water out of a styrofoam cup
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