Sunday, March 25, 2012

24-26 Weeks

Well, Joe left for Germany and it was just May and me at home...It was very tough for me when Joe first left. I am just so darn needy right now! May took good care of me though.

A few days after Joe left I headed up to Georgia with May so I could spend some time with family and friends. Since I was there for 6 days, I got to hang out with everyone! I had so much fun! We went to some yard sales and I found a sewing machine, a full size iron bed frame ($25!! It's for our guest bed room-it just needs to be painted), and lots of picture frames (I plan on doing a wall with lots of prints/pictures/art hanging in Bristan's nursery).

Only $5

24 weeks- Mom took this for me

This is a picture Autumn drew me- Hilarious!

Shannon is due in May

They all got to feel Bristan kick- He moves so much!

25 weeks- I was home alone AND didn't think about writing "25 weeks" backwards so it could be read in the mirror picture! HAHA!!! I'm a dork

After I got back from Georgia, I worked for a few days then drove down to Orlando to work an event for Surface (the hair care company I work for). Joe got back from Germany on Sunday, but I did not get to see him till Monday :(
I had a great time working the event. I got to do some hair on stage NEXT TO my hero Wayne Grund (CEO of Surface-platform artist-hair legend)!!!! I did a lovely updo, explained the steps (while holding a microphone), and Wayne told me he was impressed! Looks like my dream of moving up in the company is not too far fetched. I love and thoroughly enjoy working with my Surface family.

Wayne Grund on far left-the others are our models except me, the red head Jen (another educator) and G (educator/platform artist), the guy in black on the far right

The updo I did on stage

Monday, I was finally able to see my love. Oh boy did I miss him! He was amazed by how big my belly had gotten since we were apart (18days!). Joe was convinced that my belly button would be gone when he got back, but I still have it! (barely, but it's still there! haha!) Joe brought back all kinds of goodies: German chocolate, a gold necklace, a shirt, books for Bristan (in German), and lots more! I am so glad Joe had such an amazing time in Germany, but I am even more happy to have him back home.

Necklace Joe got me in Bavaria
Joe and the group snow shoeing in the Alps

Famous brewery at the base of the Alps- it's over 500 years old!

Castle in Heidelberg, Germany

We went to the doctor last week and it looks like I am right on track with everything: weight gain (yessssss!), blood pressure, measurements, and the baby's heartbeat. I took my glucose and iron test on Friday. Fingers crossed that the test comes back good :)

We are slowly packing all of our things for our move to Atlanta. It will be here before we know it! (7 weeks!) We hope to find a place to live within the next few weeks. Praying to find a good house to rent.

Next week Kelly and I are starting up some projects for the nursery. Kelly is going to help me learn how to sew (oh snap!). Here is what we have to work with so far (as you can see, the colors for the nursery are navy, yellow and some gray):

This is the fabric we are using for Bristan's crib comforter. One side will be the navy stripes and the other will be the yellow. We will use the left over fabric for pillows

We are using this for either pillows or maybe a throw blanket-haven't decided

This fabric will be used for swaddle blankets and burping cloths

This is just a picture I found on Pinterest that inspired my choice in the color theme for the nursery

Next weekend- We are taking a lovely weekend vacation down south to Fort Lauderdale. This will be the last vacation Joe and I have together before our baby is here. Papa Russ, Barbara, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Bill, Aunt Cindy, Uncle Joe (and maybe more) will all be coming to Fort Lauderdale from the west coast. They will be leaving on Sunday to go on a cruise, but we will enjoy visiting with them Saturday when they get in. Looking forward to a fun weekend at the beach visiting with family!! Can't wait!

Getting bigger!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

22-23 Weeks

Joe and I had a blast with Autumn when she was here for her spring break! When we went up to get her we also went to Atlanta to meet our potential new obgyn at Emory and it went really well!! We like him a lot! While we were in the waiting room to go in the baby was moving a ton and Autumn got to feel it. Then, when we were meeting the doctor he let Autumn put the little tool on my stomach to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was such a fun experience!

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

Now for the next couple of weeks I will be sans Joe :( He is in Germany for work. I have lots of plans for when he is gone to keep me distracted. I work for a few days then head up to Georgia to spend time with family and friends for about 6 days. I miss Joe tons already and can't wait to have him back home. I am going be so much bigger when he gets here, as I am getting bigger on a daily basis now! I am very excited for Joe to have this opportunity to see Germany. I know he will go to some really cool places, meet many great people, eat yummy food, learn lots, and have a blast!! We are Skyping/emailing/messaging on a daily basis to keep up with each other. Thank God for technology!! Until next week....

Oh yeah, and CONGRATS to my friend Melissa Hare on delivering a healthy baby boy today! Kelly showed me a picture and he is such a handsome guy!! So happy for Melissa and her adorable little family! I hope I am as lucky as her to have a smooth labor!